


若有意願報名之同學,請於2024620中午前e-mail 通知國際處 鄭小姐doratop@nutc.edu.tw。謝謝

Dear Partner,


Warm greetings from Sahmyook University!


We are thrilled to announce our upcoming 2024 SYU Summer Program, offering a rich and immersive experience for students eager to explore Korean culture and language. 

Our program spans three weeks, providing participants with an unforgettable journey filled with learning and adventure.


We are pleased to offer this option for students :


Three-Week Program: Total Cost 2,500$ As a gesture of partner appreciation, we are extending a generous 20% discount, bringing the cost down to $2000. The program dates are scheduled from July 7th to July 26th. We offer 3 U.S. credits.


Kindly note that the nomination period is open until June 20th. However, should there be a single nomination before this date, we kindly request you to provide the nominee's details promptly. 

This will enable us to make necessary arrangements for flights and other trip schedules.


We eagerly anticipate the possibility of welcoming your students to our campus this upcoming summer. Your assistance in distributing this information to interested students would be immensely appreciated.


Thank you for considering our program
